Door and Window Manual for Residential Buildings Volume-1

Door and Window Manual for Residential Buildings Volume-1

Name of ArticleDoor and Window Manual for Residential Buildings Volume-1
Type of ArticleManual
Year of Publication2006
Published byCPWD (Central Public Works Department)
Official Website
How to DownloadLink in Below
Total PDF Size1 MB
Total No. of Pages59 Pages


1. Abbreviations to be used in Drawings 8
2. Specifications for Residential Buildings 10
3. Chapter 1 – Wood 11
4. Chapter 1A – Wooden Window Details 15
5. Chapter 1B – Wooden Door Details 25
6. Chapter 2 – Pressed Steel 37
7. Chapter 3 – Aluminium Window Details 43
8. Chapter 4 – Steel Window Details 57
9. Notes
10. References

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