
Blacklist Contractor list/Debar Contractor List in Bihar Rajya Pul Nirman Nigam Limited

इस पोस्ट में आप बिहार राज्य पुल निर्माण निगम लिमिटेड  द्वारा Blacklist Contractor / Debar Contractor और Debar freeContractor की सूचि देख सकते है जो निचे दी गयी है . यह सूचि बिहार राज्य पुल निर्माण निगम लिमिटेड (BRPNNL)  के अधिकारिक वेबसाइट से ली गयी है जो 28 जून 2023 तक अपडेटेड है . सूचि उपलब्ध होते ही अपडेट कर दिया जायेगा . इस सूचि का निविदा सम्बंधित कार्यों में जाँच करने से पहले एक बार अधिकारिक वेबसाइट से अद्यतन स्थिति की जानकारी अवश्य कर ले .

Debar / Debar Free Contractor List Iink

Debar Contractor /Debar Free Contractor in Bihar Rajya Pul Nirman Nigam Limited

SL Date Description
1. 25-05-2023 Satyendra Kumar Yadav,Shastri Nagar,Road No.-4,PO+P.S-Rampur,Gaya.Pin-823001 freed from Debar.
2. 24-04-2023 Nirman Engicons Pvt.Ltd.,At+Post-Mohanpur,Distrcit-Begusarai freed from Debar.
3. 23-08-2022 Shree Tirupati Balaji Enterprises,Jehanabad freed from Debar.
4. 22-06-2022 LN.-BRPNNL/HQ/C00/78.-16.06.2022:-M/S Jai Mata Dee and Maa Sita Construction, Rohtas has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
5. 22-06-2022 LN.-BRPNNL/HQ/C00/79.-16.06.2022:-M/S Baban Kumar Singh,Gaya has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
6. 13-05-2022 LN.-BRPNNL/HQ/C0/54:-M/S Jai Mata Dee and Maa Sita Construction, Rohtas has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
7. 13-05-2022 LN.-BRPNNL/HQ/C0/55:-M/S Jai Mata Dee and Maa Sita Construction, Rohtas has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
8. 11-03-2022 सवेंदक मेसर्स मगध मनीषा कंसट्रक्सन प्रा.लि.,एल.आई.जी 9/299 हनुमान नगर पटना-20 को निलंबन से मुक्त करने के सबंद्घ में ।
9. 07-09-2021 M/S Arunaditya Projects and Mineral,HNO 188/C,Ashok Nagar Ranchi has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
10. 07-09-2021 M/S Arun Kumar,Vill.+P.O+P.S-Bandeya,Aurangabad,Pin-824129 has been Blacklisted in behalf of BMSICL Memo no.BMSIC/80065/28-2017/4038 Dated-27-08-2021
11. 21-08-2021 M/S Jai Mata Di and Maa Sita Construction, Rohtas has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
12. 05-08-2021 M/S Star Construction,Asharam Chowk ,Araria freed from Debar.
13. 02-08-2021 Rakesh Construction Pvt.Ltd.,Shivji Singh Building,Dimana Road,Jamshedpur,Jharkhand has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
14. 02-08-2021 Sri Balram Singh ,Late Surendra Nath Singh ,Panchgachiya ,saharsa freed from Debar.
15. 05-04-2021 Gobardhandhari Infratek Pvt.Ltd.,Nehru Chowk,Garakha Road ,Chapra has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
16. 01-04-2021 मेसर्स महावीर कंस्ट्रक्सन,प्रो.-बृजेश कुमार सिंह जिला-पटना को डिबार से मुक्त करने के सम्बंध में ।
17. 07-07-2020 M/S C.K Infrastructure,LU-75,DDA Shopping Complex,Pitampura,Delhi-110034 has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
18. 07-07-2020 Shree Balram Singh,S/o Late Surendra Singh,Panchgachiya,PO-Patori,Saharsa has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
19. 08-06-2020 LN-1343: Resham Rani, Gaya and Sri Nilesh Kumar ,Jehanabad having freed from Debar List after having completed the pending work.
20. 24-06-2019 LN-MD-3145: 1.Sri Dilip Kumar Sharma ,Patna and 2.Sri Nelesh Kumar,Jehanabad has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
21. 24-06-2019 LN-MD-1679: Shree Tirupati Balaji Enterprises,Jehanabad has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
22. 16-05-2019 16-05-2019 LN-MD-1356: 1.Smt.Ritu Kumari,Patna and 2.Resham Rani,Gaya has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
23. 08-03-2019 LN-MD-755: 1.Sincon Infrastructure 2.Nirman Engicon,Begusarai and 3.Devraha Construction,Saharsa has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
24. 15-12-2018 LN-SBC-2138: Planning and Infrastructure Development Consultant Pvt.Ltd. freed from Debar List after having completed the pending works.
25. 01-09-2018 LN-2713: M/s Mahaveera Engicon Pvt.Ltd freed from Debar List after having completed the pending works.
26. 03-08-2018 LN-2407: Nirman Engicon Pvt.Ltd, Begusarai and Chaand Construction india Pvt.Ltd., Jehanabad has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
27. 08-07-2018 LN-1908: M/s Sheel Construction, Sheohar has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
28. 08-07-2018 LN-1907: Shri Ajay Kumar freed from Debar List after having completed the pending works.
29. 02-02-2018 LN-0306: M/s Bholeshanker Erection & Construction Pvt. Ltd. (JV) having been freed from Debar List after having completed the pending work.
30. 23-01-2018 LN-0220: Sri Pankaj Kumar, S/o Sri Rajendra Pratap Singh, Bettiah having freed from Debar List after having completed the pending work.
31. 28-12-2017 LN-5014: Sri Vijay Kumar Choudhry, Patna has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
32. 21-09-2017 LN-3260: Sri Brajesh Kumar Singh, Sasaram has been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
33. 30-08-2017 LN-2196: M/s Sanvi Infrastructure, Noida having been freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
34. 29-08-2017 LN-3004: Sri Suchit Kumar Singh, S/o Sri Kailash Pd Singh, Babu Tola, Purnea freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
35. 29-08-2017 LN-3003: Sri Baban Kumar Singh, S/o Late Sri Jagdish Pd Singh, MIG-90, Gaya freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
36. 26-07-2017 LN-2491: Sri Mukesh Kumar Singh, District Saran, Reg. No. 180/2011 debarred from participation in other tenders till the pending work has been completed.
37. 13-06-2017 LN-1950: Sri Baban Kumar Singh, MIG 90 Housing Colony, Gaya debarred from participation in till the pending work has been completed.
38. 24-03-2017 LN-1096: Sri Akash Kumar, Reg. No. 560/2012 freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
39. 24-03-2017 LN-1094: M/s M. K. Enterprises, Bettiah freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
40. 27-02-2017 LN-0746: M/s Vijay Raj Mewar Construction Pvt. Ltd., West Champaran, Reg. No. 212/2012 freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
41. 27-02-2017 LN-0745: M/s Maa Rajeshwari Construction Pvt. Ltd., Saran, Reg. No. 466/2011 freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
42. 03-02-2017 LN-0301: Sri Chandralocation Nath Construction Pvt. Ltd., Patna, Reg. No. 474/2011 debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
43. 02-02-2017 LN-0289: Sri Dilip Kumar Sharma, Reg. No. 572/2013 freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
44. 16-12-2016 LN-4417: M/s Pooja Construction, Madhepura, M/s RECON, Patna and Sri Aakash Kumar, Patna having been debarred from participation in any new tender till work pending with them is completed.
45. 28-11-2016 LN-4285: Sri Shivchandra Kumar, Rajiv Nagar, Patna (281/2014) freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
46. 28-11-2016 LN-4283: M/s DDF Consultant Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
47. 25-11-2016 LN-1650: Regarding rescinding of M/s Pankaj Kumar, Araria for not taking due interest in construction of 3 (three) bridges.
48. 08-11-2016 LN-4098: Smt. Sulekha Devi, Madhepura, Reg. No. 02(2nd)-632/2014 debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
49. 31-10-2016 LN-1673: Regarding blacklisting of M/s Shanvi Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., Noida due to delay in preparation of Design & Drawing of approach road to Digha-Sonepur Railway Bridge.
50. 29-10-2016 LN-3276: Sri Rajnish Kumar, Reg. No. 468/2011 freed from debar list after having completed the pending work.
SL Date Description
51. 29-08-2016 LN-1238: M/s Planning & Infrastructure Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Patna debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
52. 16-08-2016 LN 1137: Sri Rajendra Prasad, Nawada, Reg. No. 02(1st)-203/2012 debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
53. 10-08-2016 LN 3049: M/s Pooja Construction, Madhepura, M/s Vijay Raj Mewar Construction Pvt. Ltd., West Champaran and M/s Bhole Shanker Erection and Construction Pvt. Ltd., Gorakhpur debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
54. 25-07-2016 LN 2777: M/s Chinnamastika Construction & Developers Pvt. Ltd., Gopalganj freed from debar list.
55. 25-07-2016 LN 2776: M/s Star Construction, Araria, and M/s Mahavira Injikon Pvt. Ltd., Patna debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
56. 25-07-2016 LN 2776: M/s Star Construction, Araria, and M/s Mahavira Injikon Pvt. Ltd., Patna debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
57. 18-07-2016 LN 0919: M/s Mahavir Construction, Patna, Reg. No. 01(1st)-275/14, debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
58. 27-06-2016 LN 2411: List of Bidders who have been debarred from participation in any new tender till pending work is complete.
59. 06-06-2016 LN 2081: Sri Shiv Chandra Kumar, Patna, Reg. No. 364/10-11, debarred from participating in any new tender till pending work is complete.
60. 31-05-2016 LN 2018: Sri Dilip Kumar Sharma, Gram+Village-Aquera, PS-Barh, District-Patna debarred from participating in any new tender till pending work is complete.
61. 26-05-2016 LN 1948: M/s D.D.F. Consultants Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi debarred from participating in any new tender till pending work is complete.
62. 09-04-2016 LN 1417: Removal of Ashwin Kumar Singh, Indrapuri, BMP-7, Katihar from list of debarred contractors.
63. 09-04-2016 LN 1414: Removal of M/s Varis Buildcon Indian Pvt. Ltd., lakhibagh, Manpur, Gaya from list of debarred contractors.
64. 17-03-2016 LN 0497: Removal of M/s Baba Construction, Purnea from list of debarred contractors.
65. 15-03-2016 LN 1055: M/s Star Construction, Ashram Chowk, Araria debarred from participating in any new tender till pending work is complete.
66. 15-03-2016 LN 1054: M/s Ma Kali Construction, SNSY College, Purnea freed from debar list and allowed to participate in next tender.
67. 10-12-2015 Debar List – List of Bidders who have been debarred or freed from Debar.
68. 04-12-2015 Debar List – List of Bidders who have been debarred or freed from Debar.
69. 27-08-2015 Debar List – List of Bidders who have been debarred or freed from Debar.
70. 25-05-2015 Debar List – List of Bidders who have been debarred or freed from Debar.
71. 26-02-2015 Debar List – List of Bidders who have been debarred or freed from Debar.



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